Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Brian and I are still being reminded, on a daily basis, what amazing family and friends we have. My friends, Sarah and Shannon, came over last night and although I haven't seen them in a while we picked right up where we left off. Shannon is from Plainview and Sarah is my pledge sister/good friend from college. Both are such sweet genuine girls who have huge hearts! They brought us dinner from this new Italian food restaurant called 'Holy Ravioli' in Uptown that was DEE-LISH and Sarah brought over the best gift for a new mommy ever!!!! Not to mention it was SO thoughtful I almost cried but she bought 6 bottles of wine from the grocery store and wrote an encouraging saying on each bottle for me to read when I open it. She said wine was she wanted when she became a new mom and I have to say I couldn't agree more!!! ;). Thanks girls for making our day! Love y'all!!


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