Monday, April 2, 2012


Brian and I worked in the yard AAALLL weekend! Like from Friday afternoon until 4 pm yesterday! And we're sore! ;). B completely re-sodded the entire left side of our front yard and we got all flowerbeds looking colorful again. Pics to come soon once we get the mulch done and buy our last round of caladiums planted out back, but it looks beautiful and we love our yards. B has such a green thumb, like his mom! I basically plant what he tells me to! Haha. But I'm a good helper. ;)

What Cameron did for us all weekend while we worked. She was such a good girl!!!!

The Hales got B this Tech grill cover for his birthday and it just completes our backyard! Thanks Mike and Linds!

We had a nice break on Saturday night though. Brian's cousin, Labry, and his wife, who live in Lake Highlands, treated us to dinner at Perry's!

Their sweet daughter, Eden, a Freshman in high school, kept Cam for us while we had a nice adult night out. We went to Lee Harvey's afterwards, which is this awesome dive bar downtown with a massive patio and great bands! Graceland Ninjas was playing and Lora loves the lead singer! They are a fantastic cover band.

Thank you Eden for babysitting and thank you, Lab and Lora for a much-needed night out with good food and family! ;) We had a great time!!!!

PS: That food was amazing!!! I highly recommend Perry's!!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!



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1 comment:

  1. Man! I wish I knew y'all were going there. My parents were looking for something to do on Saturday night and she LOVES Elvis.
