Sunday, November 3, 2013

Change of plans and Halloween

Well, Amy's not having surgery tomorrow, it's been moved to Wednesday but regardless ....prayers are still appreciated. They will put a spacer in the replacements's place so she can somewhat walk, then in 6-8 weeks she will have another knee replacement surgery.

And, Brian and I couldn't have asked for a better Halloween! Cameron loved everything about it except for the first 2 minutes.

But... As the night went on, she was all smiles!!! Our friend, Brandi Beeler, had a Halloween party, and that girl knows how to throw a Halloween party! And made a beautiful Snow White.

She has all these Halloween villages EVERYWHERE! Not Christmas Villages, HALLOWEEN villages! I was speechless at her decor and the amount of time she spent on this. She had all these stations for the kids, along with these two girls who were helping her out. One looked like she was in High School and she was responsible for wrapping the kids in toilet paper out back to look like mummies, then hand out candy once trick or treaters started coming. Then, the other girl was face painting and making balloon animals. Fantastic! Cam was in awe!!!!!! So much fun!!!!!!!

Here are a few of the darling costumes but this is only a 1/4 of them. I swear, THE BEST costumes were at this party....

Is she not adorable!??!?!

Gunnar, in the lion, is Brandi's nephew and he wouldn't stay still long enough for me to take his picture, but he was darling!!!

Our little cupcake

Miles the Knight with a fabulous snake face painting

The Keator's and Laney, their 4 year old little girl, was the doctor. So cute!

Landri as Ariel. Love it!!!

And, we can't forget my lovely husband, who felt the need to make and sport a gold TOOF! Haha!! It was so funny bc a lot of people at the party didn't know how to handle this. They didn't know if he was serious or not. Hilarious!!!

We trick or treated after that with The Coopers and Keators and Cam was in HEAVEN! She would walk up to the door and say 'more' to the people! LOL!!!!!! I was appalled and quickly corrected that, but it was too funny! And, we soooo don't give out kid sweets and you could totally tell. She really wanted nothing to do with the candy whatsoever. She just liked the fact that she had a 'purse' :o) That girl........

Overall, we had a wonderful Halloween with friends.

Stay tuned for my next post on our weekend .....


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