Monday, September 5, 2011

68 degrees on Labor Day????

Oh happy day!!!! Look at those temperatures.

Also, my parents came into town this weekend... They stayed in Aledo Friday night with my sis and her family, Sat night with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Chloe in Fairview, and us last night. Back when my sister was prego she and my dad took a picture just like the one below. My dad's belly was actually a lot bigger in the pic of she and daddy but I still wanted one too as he still has a little bit of one 7 years later :) He's lost a lot of weight since then, but it was so funny because Mel was like 8 months along and their bellies really were pretty much the same size! Haha! Sorry to do this to you at 9 months daddy but I hadn't seen you until now. :).

We have had a great time and loved having them here. Next time they come will be when Little Red makes his/her debut. Crazy!!!!!! Hope everyone has had a nice, long, holiday holiday.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Such a cute/fun pic to take with your dad!!

  2. Lindley...I personally think you are having a girl! I mean, I have a 50/50 shot, right?! You look great by the way!
