Monday, October 3, 2011

Visitors & Cameron's Newborn Photoshoot

We had super special visitors last weekend: Brian's folks, Mamy and Slick! They came in Friday afternoon and left Sunday. My mother-in-law was so sweet: She told me before they came that she wanted me to do whatever I wanted on Saturday, that she would watch Cameron, and I sooo took her up on it. I haven't been able to run errands in 2 weeks so I did just that Saturday morning. She and Fred were so helpful with Cameron. They fed, rocked, dressed, entertained, held her, etc., etc and Brian and I enjoyed the little break. Amy also made us homemade chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans on Saturday night and I do believe that was The.Best CFS I've ever eaten!!!!! So good! And, to top it off, she went ahead and whipped up a homemade coconut pie to top it all off! I can't lie.... I ate like it was my last meal. I'm sure Amy and Fred thought I still had a baby in my belly by the looks of my TWO plate-fulls! HAHA! Thank ya'll so much for everything and coming. Cameron's one lucky little girl to have you two as grandparents.

Also: I want to apologize for being a bad blogger! So many people have come to visit Cameron and I've not blogged or taken photos. Shame on me. People's lives are crazy enough as it is so the fact that they have taken time to come see us means the world and we could not be more appreciative! Bridget, Kayla, Heather, my Kappa Alumni group and those who have brought us meals, Debra, Brian's cousin Lora, Mandie, our neighbors Trish and Sally, Blair, Megan, my pledge sister Erin, Lindsay.... I may be forgetting some, (hopefully I'm not) but my point is I want to thank ya'll for making time to come see Cameron and me over the last several weeks. I promise to do a better job at taking pictures and blogging about our visitors. :)

And, last but certainly not least: Cameron's newborn photos thanks to Sheblie Simerly. I was amazed by her talent and patience. Newborn photos are no walk in the park. They require a lot of time and work and I was so thankful she knew what she was doing because I certainly did NOT! :)

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