Friday, October 7, 2011

Rough day...

Our little munchkin had a rough day today.... Actually, it may have been harder on me than her but since I've stopped pumping due to my milk supply just becoming nonexistent I think her little tummy is having a hard time adjusting. She cried from around 9 AM until 2 PM. Poor thing.... I could tell she was hurting and now she's constipated. I'm hoping she has a poopy diaper for us tonight. I know that will help. Brian happened to call me while on his lunch break, right in the middle of one of her outbursts and it crushed him too. He couldn't wait to get home and hold his baby girl. There is nothing worse than seeing your baby cry like that and there not be anything you can do for them. Ugh! Broke my heart. But she's been a lot better after the 3 o'clock feeding so here's she stays comfortable for the rest of the night. I'm having a glass of wine while Daddy loves on her a little while.

In other news, I had my OBGYN post pardum visit yesterday and while I was at the hospital I decided to go weigh her and shes 9 lb, .1 ounces!!!! Yay!!!! She's gaining weight!
When she was discharged from the NICU, the one thing they told us, as parents, was to make sure she gains weigh and I think we've succeeded! Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with such a fighter angel baby!!!! Here she is being s good girl during my Dr's visit. Bless her....

Have a great weekend, all and Get Your Guns Up!!! Big game against A&M tomorrow!!!!


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