Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hard time....

We have had a rough time with Cameron lately. She cries 24/7 (And, I am NOT exaggerating. She does sleep at night, thank goodness, but when she’s awake, she cries. A LOT) and still isn’t pooping on her own. She was extremely constipated over the weekend and was pooping turds like humans poop. Sorry to be so vulgar but it’s true. She was so clogged up we had to give her an enema. That was NOT fun! I took her to the Dr on Monday then had and f/up appt yesterday and had to take her for an X ray of her belly to see what's going on. The results came back and all looks clear, thank goodness!’s basically SEVERE colic and although this was supposed to happen earlier on, it can still develop at a later age and can continue, worst case scenario, until they are 1. We had to, yet again, change her formula to this SUPER EXPENSIVE hypoallergenic stuff proven to manage colic due to a cow's milk allergy and work fast, often within 48 hours. Brian and Trent both had a milk allergy and it is hereditary so this is probably the problem and should hopefully fix it quick! It’s the Enfamil Nutramigen with Enflora LGG and has hypoallergenic proteins that are easy to digest and super small so the body does not recognize them as a potential allergen. It also contains the probiotic LGG, which helps to promote a healthy gut lining. So, please say a prayer this stuff works and gets her feeling better ASAP! The only problem is she doesn't like it. :(. It smells horrific, I wouldn't like it either. Bless her. So, we're mixing half and half with her old and new formula to t least get some of it down. Then, they also put her on Miralax, Zantac for her reflux, pedialyte when dehydrated.... U name it, we have it. We are keeping CVS in business!

But, you do have your happy moments, sweet girl and thank goodness because mommy, daddy, and Juli are very frustrated so knowing u can laugh gives us hope! ;) Bless your heart, your daddy and I just want you to feel better.

YouTube Video

Please say a prayer Cameron gets well and starts feeling better ASAP!!!


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