Friday, May 4, 2012

A couple things I don't want to ever forget....

I cannot get enough of this little munchkin! She has been sleeping almost 12 hour nights the last 7 days or so and is such a happy baby. All the time! She loves rotisserie chicken, tortillas, and yogurt! She loves any food really. You are growing up way too fast sugar!

John Brooks Hale and the John Deere tractor Slick bought him and his brother when Brooks was about Cameron's age. ;). Love this!

Cameron's bestie, Levi. ;). What joy he brings her every single day and I don't want to ever forget the friendship they've developed over the last 4 months. It will only get better with time too!

My new loves! A girl at work had on these darling Tory Burch sandals and I think they are so cute!

My baby girl's first two teeth!! Thank you, Juli, for capturing this photo. I've been trying for weeks!

Baby Ellis gets to go home today!!!! My friend, Lindsay, had Ellis Lynn on April 23 and she's been in the NICU this whole time. :( The Dr's, nurses, and God took really good care of her though and she's doing wonderfully now! She was in the NICU about 10 days like Cameron was and, unless you've experienced coming home from the hospital without your baby, it's the hardest thing one could ever do and makes you thank your lucky stars for babies that are born with no issues and go home in a few days....WITH you. Ellis and Cameron will have stories to share when they are older at how crazy their parents were over their NICU stays ;). God.Is.Good. I can't wait to meet her!

I read a blog called Kelly's Korner religiously. I don't know this girl from Adam but her faith and writing are extremely compelling and I always take something away from it every time I read it. One of her entries this week was titled 'Holy' and although I don't talk a lot of religion on here, I do believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and knows its through him that I can do all things. Well, her last sentence of that entry said that she's thankful that she doesn't need to be in control because she has a HOLY God who is. Boy, is she right. We don't have control. He does. And if we believe it's all the control one would ever need.
Have a great weekend, all!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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