Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Steps and First Strep

Last Sunday night we had part 1 of FUMC downtown's 'first steps' program, which is their recommended class for families who want to join their community. The first meeting was basically an introduction to the church pastoral staff, then we went around the room and gave our story. There was only one other couple there, which is pretty rare according to Pastor Curry, but we had a nice time. Small world, this little couple was pretty young (24-25ish), he is from LBB and she's from Abilene. Well he is a dentist, new grad, and just took a job with a very well-known practice in town called Harkins and Hancock. He will be their third dentist as Harkins has been around a while and will retire soon. She stays home with their 15 month old and they are expecting their second baby in July. Sweet sweet people and actually know some of the same people we do. Crazy small world for sure. We will finish up next Sunday, then we will officially be members once they announce us to the congregation some time in March. Yay!!!! We are so happy there and can't wait to finally say we have a church home. We never found 'the one' in Dallas as we just never had that feeling about one there, but with FUMC downtown, we immediately knew it's where we belonged.

As for the second part to this post: well--where do I even begin?!?!?!?
I got a call from her school around 230 today saying she was crying, inconsolable, had 101 fever, and that her eyes were matted shut.
Her eyes starting getting goopy last night which means she's got allergies (it's not your typical pink eye goop) as she did this last year at the beginning of spring so we just gave her Claritin this AM and sent her to school. She was acting completely fine and had no fever. When I walked into her class room and saw her looking like the below......

I lost it! Started crying hysterically. They said she woke up from her nap looking like that and that she hadn't looked like that all day thank God!!! When she saw me she just cried and cried, went straight to me, held up her arms to
be held, and said "I needa go home!" Ugh!!!!!! I could not hold it together! And these darn pregnancy hormones do NOT help! I just felt so bad for her. :(. I took her straight to doc but almost rushed her to the ER she looked so bad. The waiting room at the UC Clinic, which is also where our PED/PCP works as they have normal office hours as well, was PACKED, but they took us immediately as we all thought it was an allergic reaction. But she didn't eat anything abnormal?!?! Anyway, they tested for strep and flu and it's strep. In her eyes AND throat. Gross huh?!? I don't know that it's 'technically' strep of the eye, it's just nasty sickness that has spread to her little eyes so now we have some eye drops and an antibiotic. Here's hoping these work quick!!! There is no way in hell her eyes feel good looking like that. Bless her. This was taken at dinner. She had a pretty good little appetite so that's good I guess. Poor thing, I hate when she's sick!!! Parenthood is tough! I haven't been this upset in a while. No one prepped us for all the hard times like these.

Hope everyone is having a good and healthy week.


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