Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Last weekend as a family of 3

This hit me like a ton of bricks last Friday morning. I think about Cameron a lot and how her little world is going to change so much but I don't necessarily feel like this change will be bad or hard. Maybe it's my optimistic attitude but I really think Tess is going to complete us. In so many more ways than the obvious: her making us a family of 4. She's brought me so much joy this pregnancy with her constant movement (well, once she decided to FINALLY start moving!! It took forever, but at 21.5 weeks she got going and hasn't stopped!!) that I'm dying to meet her!!! Cam is going to have a SISTER!!!!! My sister is my absolute world. I cannot sit here and try to describe what that's like, all I can say is it's remarkable. Simply remarkable. We didn't always make life easy for my sweet mom growing up but what siblings do??? ;) I just think Cameron and Tess are meant to be in this world together and to get to watch them grow up having each other is indescribable. I cannot wait. Yes, it will be hard as hell, and yes we will have our fair challenges, but for Cameron to hopefully have what I have with my sister is priceless.

We didn't do anything spectacular or earth shattering this past weekend, we just hung around as a family and it was perfect. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we had lots of park time, a picnic, bubbles, we saw Trent and Kelly, we ate out... It was so nice. And, for the most part, she was a very good girl all weekend. Funny how that works huh??? ;). Here are a few pics I snapped at the park. Such a ham!!!

Quick Tot Clock update: it's working!!! It's working!!!!!!! OMG!!!!
She's be sleeping until 6 or so as it is, but she's calling out for me, so when I go in, I tell her it's not yellow yet and that she needs to go back to sleep. I'll rock her for a second and she will lay in there until 630 when it turns yellow. The last two mornings she's gotten OUT of her bed at 630 and come into our room!!!! Praise God, we may have a solution!!! We are about to start inching it up by 5 min increments to eventually get her to 7 am, but for now, I'm happy she's not rising at 5, 530, 545!!!!!!


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