Monday, April 14, 2014

Some Herring Happenings....

After several attempts to get Tess to sleep in her crib, she surprised us and slept in her crib, all night last night, starting at 10:30, went 4.5 hour stretches, and is still asleep after the 6:30 am feeding. I swear it's day to day with these kids! ;). I did give her 1 oz of just regular formula after each breast feed so that may have been the trick, who knows?!?! Regardless, I feel amazing this morning!!!

Just wanted to give a little shout out to Cameron, the BIG sister. She's been really good with Tess and I wanted to document so I don't forget. She kindof just ignores Tess, for the most part, but when she wants something to do with her, she's super sweet and loves to talk to her in baby talk. She's really good at putting the wubbanub back in her mouth when she's crying too. Overall, we have been very pleased with how she's handling all this and we couldn't be more proud of our girl! She's been doing very well with her sleeping and the bedtime pull-up situation as well. We thought we were fully out of diapers about a month ago, but she had like 5 accidents in a row so back to a pull-ups we went. Well, she's now gone the last week with no accidents at night time so we will try going pull-up-less at night here very soon. Her prize for a dry pull-up in the mornings is $.02 for her piggy bank and you would have thought she'd won the lottery. It's the little things...

Trent and Kelly gave her this little purse and she loves it!!!

As for her sleeping: she's doing phenomenal! She goes to bed at 8 and does not get up until her tot clock is yellow which is set for 6:45 AM!!! 645 may seem early to some but it's considered a late morning for us after seeing 5 am way too often!

Mamy and Slick came to visit yesterday and it was sure good to see them, even if it was just for a few hours.

We had Rosa's for lunch and enjoyed a good visit. They brought Easter goodies for the girls which was so nice. I don't think I've shared this yet, but we switched cars with them. Both car seats wouldn't fit in my CTS so they graciously offered to do an even trade with us and we took them up on it! It's a 2010 Lexus RX350 in the titanium color, like below, and I love it!!!

They will eventually get a new car but for now are driving mine. It was so weird seeing them pull up in my car yesterday. Mamy let me take a pic of her knee and OMG, it looks soooooo much better!!!! I am very proud of her!! She gets fitted for her bendable brace today!

Our old neighbors, Sally and Pinkie Haliburton, came by for a quick drink yesterday and to see the baby and showed up with this darling cookies bouquet! Well little miss HAD to have a cookie immediately so I didn't snap a photo but here's a pic of HER cookie she was so proud of. Thanks Sally and Pinkie, so thoughtful, and we loved seeing y'all!!!!

And last but certainly not least-I am very close to being back to my pre-pregnancy weight which is very exciting for me! I have about 6 lbs to lose before getting there but I'll take what I can get !!!


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