Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A bunch of fun randomness and a prayer request

Last Sunday, the Jones's and Coopers joined us for brunch with Santa at the club and we left with no pic with Santa bc some certain someone wouldn't sit in his lap. CAMERON! I don't know why she does this sometimes bc after our turn was up she immediately started saying, with tears streaming down her face, 'I want a pic with Santa' .... Child, you wear us out sometimes. Tess happily sat up there, didn't smile, but didn't throw a fit either. Oh Cameron, whatever are we going to do with you, sugar?!?!? Love ya and let ya grow I suppose :) We didn't come home with a pic bc I wanted them BOTH in it. Sign... There's always next year. We did get a pretty good one with the Neiman's Santa a few weekends ago so one is better than none.

Mel and J and the kids came over for dinner Monday night and I cannot put into words how happy it makes me that I can see my sissy and fam on the drop of a hat like this. We went to their house Sunday night for Justin's ribs then had his brisket Monday. Delicious, sir. Thanks so much! I love our time together and the wonderful memories made. London used to be all about Cam but now she's all about Tess. She feeds her dinner, helps bathe her, carries her around, plays with her... It's so cute. She's going to be an amazing babysitter one day! And actually, Cameron and Ian play together now, it's super sweet.

Cameron's Christmas party at school was yesterday and I was able to make it. Another thing that makes me happier than words can describe is my job. I absolutely, positively, 110%, hands down, ADORE my job. The flexibility is remarkable and I'm so so thankful. There are nights I'm on the phone at 8 or 8:30 PM bc that's when candidates want to talk so I may miss a bedtime here and there but for the most part, I miss NOTHING of my kids. And that makes me happy. Very happy.

They had a book exchange and it was so cute! They all wanted to pick their own books :)

One of Cam's besties at school, Katie. Her Frozen bday party is this Saturday and Katie's mom told me Elsa and Anna will be in attendance. Cam can hardly contain herself.

So, our incredibly brilliant 3 year old totally called us out yesterday morning. Brian and I have really been proud of ourselves lately for 1.) remembering to hide Johnny, and 2.) hiding him in fun places &/or doing really clever things with him. Well, as we were hiding him Monday night we both couldn't remember if we had hidden him on the chandelier before or not so we went with it and first thing Tuesday morning Cam YELLS... 'Hey, he's already been there mommy!!!!' Oops......

My prayer request is my sissy. She was just diagnosed with the flu. Boo!!!!!!! :(. Please pray she heals quickly and easily and that no one else, in her family, gets it. Thank you!!!

Tomorrow night is Brian's company Christmas party here at the house so mom is keeping the girls overnight for us. Cameron is ecstatic, she hasn't been to Grammy's in a while!!!!


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