Friday, September 27, 2013

Babies, babies, and more babies!!!!

I find it absolutely crazy that I have 7 friends having babies all between the months of November and May 2014!!! Wow, WOW!!! How good is our God!?!?!?!?? So many little miracles cooking as I type! ;). I'll list them out as every single one could use prayers....

Kim Ricks--boy--due Nov 2
Vail Tolbert--boy--due Dec 16
Andrea McGowan--twin girls!!!--due Christmas Eve
Jennifer Millar--boy--due Feb 7
Tami Keating--boy--due Mar 21
Ralna Bailey--unsure--due Mar 26
Me--unsure--due April 10
Donna Bailey--unsure--due May 8

I'm simply elated for all of my girls and cannot wait to meet their new bundles!!! These will be 2nd children for everyone except Drea.

Have a fabulous weekend, all-


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Lots of boys in that mix! Maybe that means Little Red 2 is a BOY :)
